The last chapter

8 May

Having finished everything and putting all the different aspects of the game together it all turned out really well. The last job of the day was submitting everything on time and doing are individual reflective journals. The whole project was an experience to say the least and I think everybody is happy in what we created. PEACE OUT!

Programming with Rosie and Naomi

8 May

Rosie and Naomi decided that they would split the programming between then and they would each take certain aspects to program. Rosie took the first three and Naomi took the last three. They each put a lot of hard work into the programming and they did it on flash. Basically they just had are little avatar enter each classroom or level and retrieve one of the tips. They also showed what would happen if the avatar hit into a packet of cigarettes or a lecturer which is basically lose power. They both did a really good job and it ended up looking really well.


Controller video

8 May

Paul working on the controller

7 May


Main character

17 Apr


Hard Wiring the controls

17 Apr

Daryl and Paul then began hard wiring and creating our controller for our game. Im not very technical but they seem to be using an old playstation controller and remaking and changing it to suit our game. I will be uploading a video so that paul can explain it better.

Carroll’s Building

17 Apr



17 Apr


Graphics ala Laura and Daryl

17 Apr

While me and paul were creating sounds Laura and Daryl were creating the graphics for our game. A lot of time and effort was put into making the graphics and they turned out brilliantly. Laura and Daryl created a brilliant cartoon version of the Carroll’s building. They also created brilliant characters that take the look of two of our lecturers. They also have a south park kind of feel to them. Every graphic is perfect for our game. They created a Starbucks with actual coffee cups and chairs and tables. They also created a study hall and a winter garden. All in all the two of them put in a lot of hard work and the graphics will look great in our game.

Creating Audio

17 Apr

Finally we had to get down to the nitty gritty work so me and paul went to record the sounds. We took a recording device and went to Starbucks and recorded chairs scraping across the floor. We also recorded the ambience sounds of people talking. Then we recorded my footsteps going down the hall to put in for the character in the game. Finally we recorded paul slurping and drinking so that when the character goes to Starbucks he can re-boost his energy with some coffee. We decided that we would get some online sounds as well for the more computer sounding sounding effects.